Tuesday, January 8, 2008

More fun with networking

Ok so got the gumstix configured properly today to connect to the router with the correct settings and all. Was'nt too hard but i had trouble finding out what the gumstix mac address was, so i could check it was connecting ok. There is nothing on the net about it, however it turns out that its actually written on the gumstix itself quite clearly. Duh. Anyway blonde moments aside the gumstix automatically connects to the router on booting up.

Ok so I've two main things left to do:
  • Get some code going that will send the tag reads to my database properly
  • A web site with some basic human readable ques.

Im hoping to have these both finished by the end of this week.


Lorcan Coyle said...

Can you connect to your server then from the gumstix? I'd like to see a blog post describing exactly how you set this up, it's just the kind of problem that everyone has to overcome and a straightforward how-to might be a help to the community.
The code you need to write to send tag reads to the server is probably very similar (if not identical) to that written by Caitie; have a gander and see if you can use her code as a template.
Sounds like you're well on the way towards getting a demo up and running. Great work! :-D

Smith said...

Yeah I tested the connection to the server with ping. Theres a lot of useful info and links already on the rfid winki how about i set up a how-to on this and link from the blog because i wanted to add stuff to the wiki anyway. The info on it is great but its a little all over the place.