Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fun with cues

Took a break from assignment madness today and took a look at the cues to see if i could make them more advanced, or more human readable. Now instead of just printing out a TIMESTAMP it says things like: "You last had your phone just after five" and "you last had your keys at a quarter to seven." Once i realised timestamp is 24 hour clock and not twelve, ooops, it all worked fine. Im happy enough with these for the moment. I think i'll also add something with the date. Instead of just saying "you had whatever on: 12/02/2008" it could say "you last had whatever last tuesday"

1 comment:

Lorcan Coyle said...

The clock I use on my mac is called "FuzzyClock". It shows the time in human-readable form, e.g., almost midnight, five past four, etc. This is done with a simple lookup, should be easy to replicate. Is this what you're doing? Sounds good :-)