Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Ok just a quick update on whats happening. The bluetooth work is going on hold for the moment as its proven very difficult to find a stable buildroot with wireless and bluetooth capabilities. I have a backup plan for later if theres time. Started work on the LCD screen. It was pretty straightforward to bulid the circuit for connecting it however programming with it has proven difficult. I initially tried python with pySerial but didnt get any results. Im going to try C next which i was going to work on today however i forgot that the lab computers have security on the serial ports in Linux. It seems serial ports are a security risk in linux and you can use it to access data. Nevermind i can work on it tomorrow at home. This has given me time to work on my report and i should be pretty much finished my second draft today. I also took some time to get some feedback on what i could call my system. This was less productive...
Suggestions so far are:
  • The Colinator
  • Find your crap if you lose it machine
  • Come find with Colin
  • Find that bitch
  • Colon
  • Find me
  • Locate -"This already exists :-/"

A big thanks to everyone for their amazing suggestions...


Lorcan Coyle said...

Sounds good that your 2nd draft is nearly done. What's your page-count looking like?
Keep me up to date on BT/LCD.
As for product name suggestions, how about ReFInDer - a cross between reminder and finder using RFID ;-)

Smith said...

I love it! Very clever, i was trying to come up with something like this but my brain was'nt in it. I'll use this name, Thanks!