Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Quick Update

Just a quick update on what I've been working on over the last few days. I've been setting up my "work environment" on my laptop. Have Linux installed and finally have the wireless working properly. Hooray! If anyone else is doing this i suggest fedora 7 because it has a lot of the wireless card drivers included. Its a bit of a pain installing these manually. I've set up eclipse with subclipse so I can access my svn repository on googlecode directly through eclipse. Having trouble installing a python add on for eclipse so might have a look other editors, any suggestions anyone? Have been learning about the technologies i'll be using. Worked through a Python tutorial. Python is dead handy. I have some very very basic experience with php and sql so im currently going over these again to understand them better.


Lorcan Coyle said...

Cool, that's a non-trivial piece of work, I never got around to installing linux on a laptop yet... scary stuff, well done!
As for python, i'd recommend pydev, it should be available from a package management system, maybe under eclipse-pydev. More information here if that doesn't work - Mail me if you still have problems...
p.s. python IS dead handy, isn't it :-)

Smith said...

Yeah i tried getting pydev but then it needs another thing called mylyn which needs another thing called ui both of which seem to be for eclipse 3.3 but i have fedora eclipse which is based on 3.2 or something...? Story short it does'nt seem to want to work. Agh! I'll see about gettin a new version or updating it. Not sure if theres a difference between fedora eclipse and regular eclipse?

Lorcan Coyle said...

Interesting. ok, my eclipse is causing problems since yesterday (i upgraded). when i get it up and running again i might be able to give you some more advice. There's a review of python ides here: but i think we should be able to get pydev working. if not, we could buy you a copy of one of these non-free versions...

Lorcan Coyle said...

got my eclipse working again but i don't think my problem was the same as yours... any more movement on this problem?

Smith said...

Not yet. I uninstalled it and downloaded the newest version but it just seems to keep crashing before i can get to do anything. Also wrestling with setting up sql. Gonna take a little break with this and concentrate on my second draft.