Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Feedback Please!

Hi friends. Right I need some feedback from you all so I can settle on a final design for my project. Ok so the system is used to help people find items that they have lost. At the moment im settling with the idea of a pocket built into a "fashionable" bag. People can put their phone and wallet and important things in the special pocket and it will record when they last had it etc. I also like the idea of a similar pocket built into a jacket. I dont think the RFID glove is that practical for this kind of system. I'd really appreciate everyones thoughts and feedback on this. New ideas welcome too. Thanks!


Christine said...

love the fashionable bag!

Olga said...

I love the fashionable bag idea!

Only yesterday Lorraine was routing through her bag outside CSI for a good ten minutes looking for her iPod... and i said "don't you wish you could ring it!?" (and don't tell me you've never said that before when you've misplaced your keys or something!) This bag idea could be the answer to all our problems....

Sadly Lorrain never found her iPod and she had to suffice with listening to Tahar on her way to the car instead .... if only she had a fashionable bag designed by Colin.. eh?!

Lorcan Coyle said...

I'm all for the fashionable bag, there's even fashionable cars with ipod pockets nowadays (the bag must be really fashionable though) :-D

Smith said...

Does the budget cover prada?? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really good idea! i like the bag angle- stylish and practical. Tres chic no? Looking forward to seeing how it goes